By Michael Alumbaugh © May 17, 2014
With guitarist and lyricists, or creative musical people in general, melodious themes, or little ditties, run through their heads. Sometimes for years. Some never escape and others can't be held back.
This is one of those that couldn't be held back. It started with a simple minor progression and a bit of maudlin morose melancholy mood and, WHAM, words flowed like water.
Actually it is a rather joyous story with a haunting minor mood. (And I hear a violin and cello carrying the guitar.) Whatever the accompaniment, the tale must be told again and again. It is good!
His hands scooped the warm earth,
Good Judean sod.
Gently planting the sapling,
A tree meant for God.
A young man quite humble
He did as he should.
And now He was finished.
Behold, all was good.
All was good.
The years passed before them,
These young carpenter’s hands.
Now off to the temple
To reason with man.
His parents, in wonder,
Had not understood.
But when He had finished
Behold, it was good.
It was good.
In time, He had managed,
This carpenters son,
To gather disciples
Who’d follow the One.
With words and with wonders
He taught as He could.
And when He was finished.
Behold, it was good.
It was good.
------- Bridge -------
His time now was on Him
The soldiers had come
To try and to test Him.
His followers had run.
The tree now was fallen
And hewn for its wood.
And when it was finished
Behold, it was good.
It was good.
He carried the sin of
All Adam’s race.
They mocked and they beat Him.
They spat in His face.
Then cruelly laid Him
Nailed to that wood
And when they had finished
Behold, it was good.
It was good.
They lifted Him upward
Between earth and sky.
Divided His garment.
“Forgive them!” He cried.
His eyes looked to heaven
As He hung on that wood
And cried, “It is finished.”
Behold, it was good.
It was good.
The grave could not hold Him
Now men must confess.
His blood makes them guilty.
And yet men still jest.
The nails and the timber
The blood and the wood.
His love not diminished.
Behold, it is good.
Very good.
It is good.
Behold, it is good.
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